Title: Masks Plot: When a retired Hollywood producer is relieved of a precious cigarette case during a train ride, his quest to reclaim the stolen item plunges him into danger.
Chester reads Matt a letter from home, sent to him by his brother Magnus. The casual moment is interupted when a gal named Nancy Creed has a problem. She tells…
Ann williams is in the Blue Note to talk to Casey and Ethylbert about the latest case that she's working on. A matter of theft soon emerges. when the cops…
There's a matter of a stolen diamond, and a murdered body that has Johnny Dollar on the case. He goes to interview the family to learn what he can about…
A report is given to tell how the search for the missing Barney and Willie went, and the fruitless search thus far. Elsewhere, Cain and Ardala recap how they have…
International crisis is about to explode, and it's up to Steve Mitchel to deal diplomatically with the undisclosed national leaders in settling the matter. Claims of incriminating letters are made,…
Suspense - Murder In G Flat, Jack Benny. 510405. (retro318). It's a tale well calculated to keep you in suspense. It's a Sunday night, and the cops converge on a…