As Gracie listens to a thrilling crime drama on the radio, George tries to distract her. Is there any hope for him to compete with the suave and sultry radio…
Also called Fred Allen – Murder On The High Seas, Or Boy Meets Gull. 370310. Peter VanSeetin and his singers kick off the show by singing, Boo Hoo. Fred reads…
Playlist After an introduction by Ernie Whitman, Count Basie gets busy with his classic, the Basie Boogie. Ann Moore sings, What Can I Say Dear After I Say I'm Sorry.…
In Jack's house, he has a complaint about Phil's band. Will Phil get the point after Jack reads him a few letters from annoyed fans? Mary arrives with wacky word…
Fred is on hand for the Town Hall Tonight. First, a song, Great Day. The topic of the night's news is public schools. Kids who have money. Another early appearance…
Judy opens the show by singing, Give Me Five Minutes More. Aunt Aggie joins Judy as they try to tune in a favorite radio station. All they get is crazy…
Vern Albright is thrilled over his new account at the office. Mrs Odet arrives as the conversation turns to joking about Freddie. What other juicy gossip is buzzing around the…
Fred Allen hosts, and chats with Ken Carpenter about an Elks tooth. Portland Hoffa enters with a word from her family, and her mom who is working for defense contractors.…
Don and Jack tell stories about their wild New Years Eve partying. Mary and Frank Parker both tell a little about their day as well. Who is the guy who…