When Fibber's bowling night is cancelled, Molly tries to help him think of other activities to entertain himself, with. Teeny pops in, and Fibber keeps her busy with a story.…
For a switch Jack introduces Don, who just got married. What kind of wedding gifts did Jack give to his hefty show announcer? What will Phil have to say on…
While the gents wait for their own tests to return on the spring water on grandpap's property, Abner talks with Cedric. Cedric is eager to go to the dance, and…
For a week, Aunt Hattie has been visiting, to help straighten out Leroy and Marjorie. Her strict enforcement of table manners and protocol of all sorts has even gotten under…
Betty is in full drama queen mode. Jim doesn't see the point in the drama over somebody in a news article who wasn't named. Combined with Bud and Cathy, the…
Vic and Russel enjoy a vigorous game of Rummy. The light hearted trash talking is interupted when Sade returns home, followed shortly by uncle Fletcher. The nice conversation changes when…
Audio is a little soft and mushy. I tried to boost it, but I don't think it helped much. Now that Mousey has left, and decreased the population of Pine…
Get ready to smile again with Crisco's Vic and Sade. With Rush absent, Sade marvels at Rushes 3rd Lt Stanley novel as she shares a brief passage with Vic. When…
As the family finish up dinner, Sade takes a phone call from Ruthie Stembottom. Sade has forgotten that she has promised to help with her thimble club party. One of…