Gildy and Judge Hooker cut up over a game of checkers, when Leroy wants to call in sick at school tomorrow. Nobody's falling for it, since the circus is going…
Rochester cleans up the house, and marvels at some of Jack's memorabilia. Interupting Jack from a dose of drama over the party line, Rochester reads the results from his recent…
Mary Mckeen has been accused of kidnapping her own son, and Perry himself is a fujitive from the law. Today we join Della as she bumps down the eroad with…
Designed to free you from the four walls of today, for a half hour of high adventure. You are prisoner in the mountain retreat of the richest man in the…
Julius is a lecturer and speaker in a medical school, and he has a secret. We learn of a death of someone close to him, and some nonstandard procedures that…
The mysterious couple have been revealed to be Dr Roebling's nephew and his blonde wife. Lois has been locked into a trunk, and Clark was busy dealing with a car…
Sure that something strange is going on, Clark begins to insist on seeing Dr Robeling. Is there some mistake about the cabin the doctor is in? Bending the law a…
In all the universe, there could be other worlds and civilazations. One day we may contact them, but what if they contact us first? On the streets of New York,…