Judy and Randolph are on a radio program and share their dream careers with the announcer. At home Judy demands that mother stop her chores to listen to her, and…
Doctor Danfield tries to remember a man's name who asked him to investigate three relatives. Suddenly the phone rings, and the cops want Dr Danfield to help with a case.…
Philip is approached in his office by a wealthy client who has been having trouble with his son, and an undesireable woman. The previous detective who was hired has turned…
Dan gets a letter instructing him to do a little shopping. What do the cryptic instructions mean? Probably murder, but it all has Dan's interest. At the curio shop in…
Jet Morgan and his crew have left their spaceship, and went onboard the alien ship. They are flown on auto pilot to where the aliens are located. The crew has…
Captain Friday, his friend Skip Turner, and secretary Patricia had all been taken captive by some of the native people of Cambodia. Along with another expedition headed up by Dr…
Two expidition parties head for Indochina, but for separate reasons. One led by Dr Carter on a scientific mission to find hidden treasure, the other led by Captain Friday to…
An expedition to the exotic lands near Saigon has begun. Learn about the native people in the area of Southeast Asia, and the scientific group who are on their way.…