Here he is again, right out of the comic books with all his friends, Archie Andrews. The story begins with a common, pesky fly. The buzzing little critter is bugging…
Abner and Cedric are in the Jot 'Em Down store today, discussing Cedric’s new hobby of being a junior detective. He also wants to get a bunch of lapel buttons…
Title: Masks Plot: When a retired Hollywood producer is relieved of a precious cigarette case during a train ride, his quest to reclaim the stolen item plunges him into danger.
Shortly after the turn of the century, Casey has the most important job in the newsroom, to go get the latest story from O Henry. If he doesn't have one...…
Curiosity over Phil's latest hit record has even Alice wondering what the Thing is. Phil heads to his band practice. Will he share the royalty check fairly with his musicians?…
An old woman who seems to have eccentric ways has kidnapped a young gal. Cisco helps the sheriff search for the missing girl. Cisco understands the old woman isn't bad,…
Fibber digs through the hall closet, but can Molly help find his hip boots? He finds plenty of other props to comment about as he tosses each aside. Alice Darling…
Ely is sure he has some hidden stock certificates. If so, they have matured into a small fortune. Can the stocks be found in the clutter of things stored in…
The tale involves a blind man, and his guide dog. When the dog shows up in the hands of the sheriff, he's joined by Texas Ranger, Jase Pearson, and travelling…
Horlicks : Made with only the finest products, with only the choicest wheat and barley. You get top quality in food value for your money. Now, let's see what's happening…