A police drama program, similar to Dragnet, but providing a behind the scenes look at the lives of uniformed police officers. Today a patrol car makes it's rounds on a…
The creaking coffin door opens, and tales of horror come out. This South African series shares some of the creepiest tales to be heard on the airwaves. The cemetary care…
Also called the Manletter Bank Case, or Hunter Street. A secretary is worried that her boss is in trouble, and she goes to get help from Boston Blackie. Is her…
Sheriff Vic Adler gets the bad word from the doctor. His wife is in serious condition, and needs medical attention the local doc isn't qualified to give. Will Vic have…
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By KeithFebruary 21, 2014Posted inDragnet
Working the homacide detail, a report of the death of a 72 year old man comes in. Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith go to investigate the suspicious details surrounding…
In our story thus far, the Lone Ranger has been called to the service of his country to guard special shipments of a mysterious compound that comes from a meteorite…
As Doc Adams makes the rounds, he chats with the store owner about hiring some help. "What's wrong with youngsters these days?" is the complaint of the man. Definitely an…
In the world of Casey, it's the Christmas season, and we have a story about Christmas shopping. In a department store Casey and Ann spot a pickpocket lifting a wallet.…