After Jimmy has been kidnapped, and forced to turn over the jewels to the Yellow Mask, he is again safe with Clark. Jimmy tells how he fooled the Yellow Mask…
The Yellow Mask has Jimmy, and tries to extort the jewels from him. Thinking he's keeping Clark safe, Jimmy hands over the bag that held the treasure. Superman had been…
At the end of the last episode, Jimmy uncovered the missing jewels that had been stolen. Unknown to him and Clark, the Yellow Mask has entered the train in pursuit…
As Jimmy Olsen and Clark Kent travel back home after their amazing adventures in the Caribbean Sea, they enjoy the luxury compartment of the Super Chief railroad. A phone call…
After the kiddies get a reminder of their morning radio line up, we get busy with our police adventure. In the last episode, gangsters were robbing, and blackmailing each other.…
The latest word comes to Matt and Chester as they patrol the peaceful streets of Dodge, when an old timer emerges from the freight company with a problem. Confirming news…
Bandits are on the loose and set on robbing the train. Their plan seems to be perfect, and even though they cross paths with Cisco, he doesn't recognize the danger…