Candy gets a phone call from an old pal who is a soldier. He asks her to attend a military party. Sounds innocent enough, but a mystery lurks beneath the…
Candy runs into her friend, police detective Ray Mallard on the movie set that is getting ready to shoot on location near her house. Take an audio glimpse behind the…
Police detective Ray Mallard goes to Candy with a case to do some insurance investigation. Candy smells something fishy, since Mallard isn't usually forthcoming with help for her. Since the paycheck is going to be hefty, she manages to overlook any initial problems, and takes the case.
Christmas festivities of the past couple days have Candy Matson all tuckered out. She plans to go into hibernation for a while and avoid the world until New Years Eve…
While shopping, Candy runs into an old friend who is working as a department store advertising manager. She needs Candies help with the case of the missing Santa Claus Helper, Jack Frost. What's Candy to do? Her soft heart for the kiddies has gotten her into another tight spot.
Candy and Rembrandt are in the car, tailing Ray Mallard through traffic. Candy fills in Rembrandt, and the listener, about strange behavior, and possible secrets that Ray is keeping from…
A friend of Candy has an amulet that he wants examined. They get into a cute argument over college loyalties. Candy recommends her friend Rembrandt Watson for ideas about the…