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By KeithNovember 8, 2013Posted inDragnet
Working the Homacide Detail, Joe Friday and partner Frank Smith go to investigate an auto accident. The skid marks and the damage to property tells the story. Mr Adams is…
Bartlett is a man who was gunned down, but his young shooter is worried about the trouble he's in. Especially when his older, and more hardened travelling companion pressures the…
In the Long Branch, Miss Kitty is being bothered by a little man, and his huge but quiet friend, Bull. Defending her honor, a patron steps up to face the…
Amy dumps Carl with a final fling at a night club. Her husband is returning, and Carl has to return to his place as the lowly chauffeur. We learn that…
After being nursed back to health on the ship Voyager, Victor Frankenstein still fears his monster is alive, and stalking him. The captain isn't so sure, and begs the baron…
On the good ship Voyager, Victor Frankenstein has been slowly recovering his health, and telling his fantastic tale of the man he created. Today he tells more about the confrontation…
At sea, the ice floes run higher as the tale of the murderous monster is told. The flashbacks keep up to tell of further tragedy as the city officials demand…
While taking shelter on the good ship Voyager, Victor Frankenstein has been recounting his story of the monstor that he created. The winds and storms still rage in the Northern…