Title:The Great Brain ('Jaques Futrell story') Plot:A high stakes gamble takes place when a certified genius wagers with a friend and a prison warden that he can free himself from…
The always serious, and straight laced Doctor Danfield puts his skill at criminal psychology against the world of radio comedy. He and his secretary, Rusty Fairfax, visit a radio studio,…
Joe is a 1974 model logic, and this is the story of how Frank Caldwell saved civilization as we know it. Frank is a salesman who deals in logics. It's…
Jane Sherlock is a perky young woman, and on the way to meet up with her friend Peter. Though she comes across as a little flighty, getting side tracked with…
As Vic comes home from work, he talks with his son, Rush. Sade isn't home yet, but left instructions for the guys to cook for themselves if she is much…