Get your behind the scenes update on another of the favorite kiddie shows of the day before our story begins. Dick Tracy is still on the trail of a murderer.…
There's a missing rope of jewels, and the Fat man is on the case. Kitty is thought to have them, and she could be in danger when her former boyfriend,…
A woman passes the time playing piano, to be interupted when Charlie Chan rings her doorbell. What does she have to do with his latest murder investigation? The drama unfolds,…
A woman passes the time playing piano, to be interupted when Charlie Chan rings her doorbell. What does she have to do with his latest murder investigation? The drama unfolds,…
Today a plane flies overhead, but Captain Midnight thinks it's just a ruse to draw them out. It could be a diversion that's intended to leave the trails on the…
Today a plane flies overhead, but Captain Midnight thinks it's just a ruse to draw them out. It could be a diversion that's intended to leave the trails on the…
Wellsir, it's early evening in the small house halfway up the next block. Sade casually reads as a noise distracts her. Vic thinks it's just mice, or the house settling.…
Lum and Abner - Discussing Detective Methods. 350923. Horlicks: A welcome change for your breakfast coffee or tea. Kids love it sprinkled over cereal. It helpsd with getting a good…
Horlicks : Made with only the finest products, with only the choicest wheat and barley. You get top quality in food value for your money. Now, let's see what's happening…
Lum and Abner - Abner Hides In The Barn. 350902. Horlicks: Carlton Bricker shares a little of how William Horlick developed his product nearly 50 years previously. The one outstanding…