A boy with an unusual manner, and one with quite a vocabulary, stops in Mr. Keen's office. Jimmy doesn't have a case of a missing person, but a person who…
Another adventure of George Valentine. A man writes to George with an intriguing challenge. He lives in a town where he runs a small newspaper, and is the single voice…
Before the show begins, learn a little historic trivia about the first battleships. The arson investigation is still going on, and we find Dick in headquarters on the phone. The…
The sunny morning in the park is only ruined when a body is found, and Casey is on hand with the cops to investigate the crime scene. Ann Williams helps…
After a hard day, Casey trudges into the Blue Note with his camera bag in tow. He meets up with a fellow photographer to compare notes on the business of…
Dennis opens with a song, Hand Holding Music. After seeing a movie, Mildred wants Dennis to put the moves on and be romantic with her. She thinks that Dennis just…
One Sunday morning the Albrights plan on a trip to the farm, in their penthouse apartment, Vern Albright is mistaken for Mrs Odet. Everybody seems to be fooled by a…
Orson Wells presents a story of how a Shilling coin became the key evidence in a case of murder. Two brothers, Joey and David, have sworn to kill each other.…
Dennis sings, I Like Mountain Music. Dennis has been given the opportunity to become the Scoutmaster of the local Boy Scout troop. He talks with Mildred about some of his…