The Riders of the Purple Sage open with a song, Soux City Sue. Features Cowboy star, and war hero, Tim Holtz in a drama titled, Drifting. After his wife has…
An old farmer approaches death, but proclaims to his daughter that he won't leave everything that he worked so hard for in his lifetime. If it were up to him,…
Rush is talking with Orville Sweeney and Vic when they have their conversation interupted by uncle Fletcher entering in a barely controlled emotional frenzy. What's the trouble? What has the…
Rush tells about his rugged day of sports with the guys in Tapman's vacant lot, but Sade has more pressing plans. She has extended herself on a social matter. A…
Audio is a bit low in resolution, but not too bad. Vic and Sade get ready for another evening of playing 500 with the Stembottoms. Rush enters in the middle…
Frankie has acquired tickets for the circus, and wants to take Phil and his whole family. As Phil and Alice get ready, she worries that she is getting old. Both…
America is the land of tradition. Traditions of our pasttimes, holidays, and that undeniable one that faces Ozzie Nelson today, filing the annual income tax forms. Try as he might,…
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By KeithNovember 26, 2012Posted inComedy
Christmas Club accounts at the bank were, and still are, a good way to save money thhrough the year to have a little cushion for holiday spending. By putting a…
Posted by
By KeithNovember 26, 2012Posted inComedy
It's Saturday, and in the Riley home it's father and son day. A time when father and son can go and do something for those special moments of male bonding.…
On a peaceful morning in Dodge City, Matt gets word from young Beany Marvel that his pa is dead. Out at the homestead, Mrs Marvel shares the details as far…