Title: Roberta Evans Begins to Sen se a Rival. At the breakfast table, Henry Barber takes a break from the action at the swimming pool, and is acting a little…
Starting in an outdoor scene with Clifford talking with Nick. What mysterious events are bothering Cliff? Paul has returned home, but is acting strangely. Pa Barber is found on their…
Title: Teddy Barber After Two Years. A revieew of Teddy's past on the show is given, her adoption by Paul, up to her service in the nurses corp. Her two…
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By KeithNovember 19, 2014Posted inComedy
Riley sneaks a Thanksgiving turkey into the house. Junior catches him, and learns the secret of how the bird was bought. Peg knows something is going on, and thinks the…
Mark drives the hopeful Kitty home after popping the b ig question. Plans for a wedding and honeymoon are made. Is she making the right decision?? Her family and friends…
Fred opens with some jabs at Jack Benny. Portland joins him for the trip to Allen’s Alley, with the topic of the day being the meat shortage. Al Goodman’s Orchestra…
The story of a family with a sailing tradition and their encounter with a beautiful but murderous ship. Story by Joseph Conrad. --As found on Plotspot.com.
Chester anticipates doing some duck hunting, as Mr Taggert enters. He's looking for his runaway daughter. She's 24, and well of age, Matt doesn't see that there's anything he can…
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By KeithFebruary 21, 2014Posted inDragnet
Working the homacide detail, a report of the death of a 72 year old man comes in. Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith go to investigate the suspicious details surrounding…