Or, Everyone Is Asking Homer for a Date Henry Aldrich is excited about a party invitation, but his friend Homer would rather avoid it. Is Homer a stick in the…
The new neighbor from a few weeks ago, and the mom of Leroy's latest love interest, Brenda, spend an evening dancing with Gildersleeve. Gildy sings a few bars, to the…
Two of the most recognized names in radio, Elliot and Cathy Lewis have another drama. Cathy plays a famous actress, and Elliot is a soldier who wants a date with…
In a bar, Philip meets a dame that he can fall for. Monti Karr feels the same about him, even after a long evening of sharing drinks together. Philip sets…
Harriot talks with Miss Brooks about dating, romance, and the Valentines Day observances. The gals compare notes on how they are treated by their respective boyfriends. It seems that Mr…
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By KeithDecember 13, 2015Posted inComedy
Rolling back the clock to the scene in the local department store yesterday, Don tells how Mel Blanc, frustrated department store clerk from Los Angeles has just transfer to nice,…
Wellsir, it's evening at the small house halfway up the next block. Rush battles it out with his old enemy Algebra. Vic answers the phone, but Rush is certain the…
After a big night on the town, Jack has breakfast with Rochester. The dishwasher is on the fritzx, so as Rochester phones the repairman Jack talks with Bob Crosby. What's…
Jane takes inventory of herself, and her prospects. She relates the latest misunderstanding that Irma has about life in the kitchen. They get ready for the big New Year's Eve…
As Phil and Alice get ready for a formal party, Phil reads Esquire to get fashion ideas. They discuss their likes and dislikes over getting all spiffed up, and looking…