Title: Conclusion of a Treasure Hunt. Across the globe, unaware of the rest of the family, Paul Barber and his companion Nicolette recover from a dynamite blast to their hotel.…
Jack is joined by Don and Mary to joke about taxes and politics. Bob Crosby tells about the practical jokes his band members play on each other. Dennis pops in…
Opening with the words prophecied by Isaiah, "For unto us a Son is given..." the narative of this presentation is largley taken from the bible. With a certain amount of…
In the first season of the Retro Original podcast installments, this is the first one where Keith took over the mike to give the Retrobots a break. The recording quality…
The nerve of Fred Stembottom! His crazy comment has Sade up in arms. What is the outrageous request that was made to her? It's enough to make Vic want to…
It's that time of year again, and Vic has let people at the office push the duties of buying the Christmas present for the boss. Rush entersand makes a round…
A writer sits at his typewriter, outlining a story as he falls asleep. In his dream, he finds himself on a mountaintop, talking to a sage who helps him come…
In the world of Casey, it's the Christmas season, and we have a story about Christmas shopping. In a department store Casey and Ann spot a pickpocket lifting a wallet.…
Judy opens with a song, Santa Claus is Coming to Town. The festive holiday spirit hangs in the air as aunt Aggie and Judy talk about some of their Christmas…
While patrolling the snowy trails, Sgt Preston and King come across Jim and his little girl, Sally. The small band are on their way to Dawson for a well deserved…