A Harvard professor, and his step daughter enjoy an evening at home. When some sleeping medicine gets mixed up, the mom is given the wrong bottle, and dies. A week…
The purpose that sets those in Scotland Yard apart is the investigation of political crimes. One such example is of the Absent minded professor case. Igor Guzinko, a man who…
A college professor is torn between obligations at the university, and the social demands at home. Priscilla has invited friends over for playing bridge, but George can't rise above the…
The former head of the English department has had to step down from her job for family reasons, and its Connie's big chance to apply for her dream job. She…
Our Miss Brooks - Old Clothes For Party. 490102. (retro297) Connie Brooks talks about her let down over her New Years Eve celebrations. As she remembers, and goes into flashback,…