Title: Enemy from Space Plot: In an attempt to start a nuclear war, alien beings kidnap the president and send back a double to take his place. Aware of the…
The Tollhurst family owns a fir trading business, and a theft draws the attention of Johnny Dollar to clear the air on whether the insurance claim is valid. Right off…
Audio is on the poor side, weak and tinny. Working the Robbery Detail, Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith are to meet with a witness about the thief they are…
Audio is scratchy, fair quality. Holmes and Watson find themselves helping out Mrs. Warren. Holmes is on top of the clues as he interrogates the nice old housewife. The comings…
When we last saw him, Clark and Asa Hatch were trying to prevent a murder attempt on the governor. Superman is still running through the silent, empty rooms of the…
Champion of the weak and oppressed. Lately Clark has learned of the threat to the life of governor Carson by the outlaw, Florres. Clark and Asa have been thrown into…
In the radio broadcast service for the Missing Persons Bureau, a strange radio signal cuts in over the normally secure channel. Who could be doing such a thing? Where is…
Ruth is kissed beneath a mistletoe, but doesn't want to be married within the year. It'll ruinm her plans for her career. Roger explains how the custom orriginated in ancient…
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By KeithSeptember 24, 2020Posted inDrama
On the beach, a young married couple comment on the news of a bank robbery, and the superstition of losing your wedding ring. The electrician scoffs at the idea, but…
As the ketch Scarlet Queen nears japan, ship master Philip Carney faces mutiny from his first mate, Gallagher. In voiceover, Carney recounts the moments of their first night in Kobe…