A Chinaman has arrived in Dodge, and the bullies who bother him cause Chester to get Matt to break up the scuffle. The outpouring from the bullies is pure, typical…
At a homestead, a farmer talks to his wife about the hand he had to fire. She seems a little surprised, but listens to the littany of ineptness of the…
In the Long Branch, Miss Kitty is being bothered by a little man, and his huge but quiet friend, Bull. Defending her honor, a patron steps up to face the…
Chester rides in to look for Matt, but the US Marshall won't let the worried tone of Chester's voice distract him from his winning poker hand. It's only a matter…
Grody is a cowhand who was charged as a cattle thief. Without enough evidence for the court of law, he's free to go. He wasn't entirely cleared either, and the…
In salloons all around Dodge, the Rooks have been shooting up bottles of wiskey, glasses, and other objects they get a kick out of shooting. Jess is the quiet gunman…
As Matt and Chester enjoy their casual stroll on the hot day, they see Sally running down the sidewalk. What has her so bothered? They learn that she has been…
A horse rancher has some hard practices, and isn't a character who sits well with Matt. When a couple of young brothers appear in town, Matt plans to lend the…