In a weird opening moment designed to showcase the comic range of the star, Stan argues with himself. The show starts with the sketch on musical sheep. Sheep that play…
The spaceship set down, right on schedule. The two astronauts are greeted, and promised the best of living arrangements. In retrospect, we find their arrival is due to a bar…
A fortune telling machine has just predicted the next ruler of the free world. Mr Schnay thinks the machine is a lot of nonsense. The former ruler of the planet…
Morniel is an artist, with more talent than anybody might expect could be rolled up into one man. He's just chomping at the bit to be discovered, and have dealers…
Waking up one morning, a small machine is found waiting to be utilized. It's just a simple, 3 foot cube, with a red button. What's a utilizer? A witching machine?…
The time, early in the 21st century. Joe tells us in voiceover about the poor performance,, and long standing losing streak of his baseball team. All the club can afford…
Visiting his favorite bar, Clocker tells about his wife, and the catatonic state she's in. Doctors claim there's no hope, but he's sure he has the key to healing her.…
On campus, a student, Charlie, finds himself with a cold. His friend is nearly ran down by a truck but is rescued by an invisible stranger. The alien is invisible…