Rush tells Vic about a phone call where he took notes. It was a long distance call where an aquaintence of Vic's from Oregon wanted him to take a trip…
Clark and a secret service man have closed in on the hide out of Doctor Deutsch. It doesn't take much to capture Clark, but will his secret service agent also…
Doctor Deutsch has vowed revenge on the interfereing Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Perry White. Clark and Lois manage to find Jimmy Olsen, tied up and locked in a closet.…
Clark and the military authorities are flabbergasted to learn that Doctor Deutsch has slipped through their fingers. It can only mean a traitor is in their midst. Perry White tries…
Though Superman had returned the Grayson submarine and his friends to safety, Doctor Deutsch has managed to escape. Why is the spy heading back to his old hide out? What…
We last saw Superman streaking out to sea, in an attempt to catch p to the captured submarine, and his kidnapped friends. Will he be able to stop the torpedo…
Audio is a little staticky, even after improvements. Uncle Fletcher tries to get Sade to remember an acquaintance from back home. He goes into great detail, but Sade doesn't recall…
We join the control room of the captured submarine, where we find Mr Grayson, Commander Lee, and Doctor Deutsch. The plans and intentions of the sabotage are revealed. Heated words…
Rush is excitedly telling Sade all he knows about Uncle Fletcher, and his plan to use a few scraps of railroad rails. Vic helps calculate how much the whole batch…
After allowing Clark to escape from the submarine, the commander frets at sending the reporter to his death. Imagine his surprise to find his stranded vessel moving. Elsewhere, Perry and…