After being cast members on the Rudy Valley show, Bergen and McCarthy have now had their show for a month. What a wierd concept, a ventrilloquist on radio. Charlie cuts…
Today's True Crime story comes from Detroit, Michigan. A young family begins a hopeful future when dad starts his new job. Dad has been getting by on his handy man…
Lamont Cranston needs a vacation after his recent exhausting adventures. He picks a resort that is said to be haunted. To combat the aledged supernatural killer ghosts, the Shadow uses…
Mary had taken a trip to New York, and Jack reads a letter from her. Chasing after guys, connecting with family, and an encounter with Fred Allen are all included.…
Waukegan's gift to the acting world enters, and the cast comment on Jack's appearance on Lux Radio Theater last Monday. He and Mary performed in Brewster's Millions where Jack played…
Romantic dramas from Love Story Magazine. A flash girl doesn't rate very high in the circus, but Gina is about to try. She wants to be with Rick, and be…
Features Jimmy Stewart, and Ann Harding. A workaholic lawyer worries over his sick son, while rejecting his divorced wife. Time marches on, the son grows up, and graduates. The dad…