With his faithful indian companion Tonto, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains fought the battle for justice. Today a widow and her son go to collect $10,000…
Bill takes the time to help a rancher break a bronco. Dan shares some of his troubles when a particular stallion, White Fury, is known as a killer. His buyers…
William Conrad has a special message to listeners before the show starts. "Thanks for writing in, and making requests." And thanks from me, to those who write in to the…
Wild Bill and Jingles are about to ride smack into the middle of a full blown feud out on the range. Two bands of riders race at each other, shooting.…
As work crews try to lay down their rails for the railroad, they are plagued by indian raids. Indians don't bother the supply trains, or the supplies, but every time…
Bill and Jingles are riding the wet and rainy trail, and look forward to drying off in town. First, they have to respond to gunshots that ring out, and the…
A couple of Texas bandits want to stir up trouble between indians and the army to act as a diversion to steal horses. Lightning Jim talks with his deputy, Whitey…
On a cold and blustery day, a couple of miners persist in working their claim, when shots are fired, and tragedy strikes. Wild Bill and Jingles are on the scene…
Chester seems a little anxious as he walks the sidewalk, looking for Miss Kitty. He tells Matt that he thinks she's missing. Chester has a hot date and Kitty was…