By Murray Langster. T he unbelievable tale begins with Sam, a worker for the telephone company. Should he take a self improvement course to satisfy his fiancee? After several weeks…
A story by Isaac Azimov. On returning home from being in the interstellar war, a troop carrier finds itself under attack. When the ship is captured, the motley crew face…
A strange and thrilling story by James Lepperts. A man claiming to be a Martian comes into an advertising agency. The agent thinks its a gimmick, he thinks the man…
After an announcement of a radio tribute to the recently fallen acting great, Lionel Barrymore, the premiere episode of this popular Science Fiction show kicks off. In the far flung…
An expeditionary rocket finds itself in deep space, and in trouble after being struck by a meteor. What's it like to do hyperspace jumps? Why don't they use a computer…
On a flight through space, a stowaway is detected. What ought to be done with the person who would do such a thing? Life support is limited, and the only…
A story by Robert Heinlein. In a futuristic setting, the general population can now make trips to space, and to the moon. It still takes the ability to pass a…
Episode 067. Two men planning an expedition across the sea of an alien planet buy a lifeboat from a junk dealer, unaware that said boat is a relic of an ancient alien war. The boat's computer is programmed to protect its occupants at all costs, which is fine if you happen to be a Drome instead of a human being.