Title: Definite Progress in Family Relations. Hazel reads the letter from Pinky to her dad. The concensus is that the boy is homesick. Will the tough job at the lumber…
Title: Roberta Evans Begins to Sen se a Rival. At the breakfast table, Henry Barber takes a break from the action at the swimming pool, and is acting a little…
Title: Two Lost Barbers Begin to Find Happiness. Skip rides his motorcycle through the Sky Ranch to the annoyance of Henry Barber. Will Margret be on grandpa's side over the…
Title: The Payoff of Cliffords Story. One of the most offending stories in Henry Barbers life came to a head the other day, but now has resolved itself nicely as…
First an introductory word: Meet Henry Barber, retired Stock and Bonds Broker, and his ideas of the high divorce rate these days. Fanny Barber, wife of Henry, and grandmother of…
Starting in an outdoor scene with Clifford talking with Nick. What mysterious events are bothering Cliff? Paul has returned home, but is acting strangely. Pa Barber is found on their…
Title: Teddy Barber After Two Years. A revieew of Teddy's past on the show is given, her adoption by Paul, up to her service in the nurses corp. Her two…