A report of a robbery case is where Sam starts, as he dictates his report to his secretary. A wealthy family wants to keep their recent loss private, and out…
Discussing his evening out dancing, Effie seems a little jealous as she gives Sam the cold shoulder. Still, she dutifully takes pen in hand to take dictation on his latest…
Bernadine is back to replace Effie Perine as Sam's secretary. She has Sam singing the blues as he dictates his report on how a man was murdered with a buzz…
Sam gets involved in murder when a timid man comes to him, asking for help in preventing a woman from marrying into an abusive relationship. Silvia seems pretty capable in…
The men in the little white coats could be coming for Sam as he phones in his report to his secretary. Effie Perine. Escaping the mad scientists, he tells her…
Effie and Sam throw some 1940's slang back and forth between them as they joke about being drunk, and Sam's latest adventure. He has an appointment to meet with a…
As part of the Suspense radio program, Sam Spade crosses over to tell this tale. Some introductory background to the character of Sam Spade is given, and how his stories…
Bernardine is still filling in for Sam’s usual secretary, Effie. Relive the latest adventure as Sam gives his report. He had been hired on for a wealthy family to safeguard…