An old friend visits Nick Carter. Marvin is looking for his bride, who had been out of the country, and expected to return a few days ago. Alice Evans is…
A dark and stormy night brings the next case for our master detective. The corpse in the stuffy duplex apartment seems a cut and dried case. Locked windows and doors…
When other investigators have been driven away, it's time to get Nick Carter on the job. Things get interesting pretty quick, as he mobilizes his team. Stubby and Patsy keep…
A robbery investigation quickly turns into murder. A movie producer tells how he has been plagued with disasters that keep actors and others away with superstitious beliefs. Assessing the clues…
Riley helps investigate a mystery at a museum exhibit of an Egyptian crypt. Not only is there a problem, but a body is soon uncovered that is a lot fresher…
When other investigators have been driven away, it's time to get Nick Carter on the job. Things get interesting pretty quick, as he mobilizes his team. Stubby and Patsy keep…
A girl in her night clothes runs out to encounter Nick Carter. She shows him the scene of her brutally murdered uncle. The first assessment is that it's a simple…
A box of homemade recordings, bought at a consignment shop, may point to a murder. Are there any clues that Nick can go on to begin to unravel the mystery?…
Or, Nick Carter and the Death House Mystery. A last-minute conference finds a death row inmate with only hours to live, calling on help from Nick Carter. Johnny isn't hoping…
On the way to a Christmas party, Nick and Scotty stop to collect Christmas contributions. Why doesn't old Mr. Rasper want to donate to help kids in need? Nick decides…