The hopped up jalopy is the norm on high school campuses these days, and Miss Brooks tells about her recent encounter to Mrs Davis. Connie plans to propose to Conklin,…
Plans for Thanksgiving come down to the last moments. Mrs Davis already has plans to have dinner with her family, and absent minded sister. Spending the day with Boynton may…
To celebrate education week, with the help of Mrs Davis, Connie packs for a trip to a teacher's convention. As accident prone as Connie is around Mr Conklin, how did…
Connie Brooks listens as her landlady, Margret Davis describes her community working gathering toys for needy children. When Walter enters, he has urgent news he read from the paper. Does…
When his temper flares, Mr Conklin has trouble keeping secretaries. In those cases, Connie Brooks gets extra duties to fill in, as she explains to Mrs Davis and Walter. Connie…
Concerned over open fraternization between the faculty, Mr Conklin has forbid Connie Brooks from getting too close to Mr Boynton during working hours. At the breakfast table though, Connie is…
At breakfast,Connie Brooks tells Mrs Davis about the gambling trouble at school, and some of he reforms that Mr Conklin proposes. On the way to School, Connie finds she may…
Weather related cliches are batted around as Connie and Mrs Davis enjoy breakfast. On the soggy ride to school, Miss Brooks learns about Walter's science project, a home made radio…
After being dinner guests with the neighbors, the Fletchers, Connie Brooks discusses the evening's events with her land lady. Mrs Davis learns how the night turned into a babysitting session…
On the way to school, Walter is soaring as he thinks about how well the Madison High football team is doing. Bronco is an all star coach, and with Stretch…