Horlicks: Use it for sick kids. Easy even for babies to digest, and helps them recover from sickness. Ready for another visit to Pine Ridge? Let's go! Abner is afraid…
Horlicks: Not getting enough sleep? Just before going to bed, treat yourself to a hot glass of Horlicks. The flashlight promo is coming to an end. Squire is organizing all…
Horlicks: For weight control, easy to digest, keeps your alert, helps children grow. Carlton Brickert reminds listeners that the flashlight factory is swamped, so wait patiently. The flashlight promotion has…
Carlton Brickert reports that the flashlight factory is swamped, but all who write in for one will get one. At the close of the last visit to Pine Ridge, Lum…
Horlicks: Use it for weight control. It keeps your alert. It's a wonderful drink for youngsters as well. Carlton Bricker says that there has been so many requests for flashlights…
Carlton Bricker advises to hurry and get a promotional flashlight, and how to get one. It's a way for loyal fans to support the show, the sponsor, and get a…
Lum and Abner Marathon! Here's the last show for the day. Watch for more in the upcoming week. Carlton Bricker again plugs the flashlight giveaway. It's a handy, tiny light,…
Carlton Bricker reminds listeners of 1935 to send in for their promotional flashlight. Down in the empty store, Lum and Abner talk about the trouble they are in over Abner's…