After inadvertently proposing to an unknown woman over the phone, Cedric is buried deeper thanks to Lum's help. We find that Charlie Redfield is so eager to marry off his…
After overcoming his shyness on the telephone, Cedric proposed to Clarabelle. However, it really wasn't her, and now he doesn't know who he proposed to. Can Lum and Abner figure…
In the Jot Em Down store and Library, Lum is on the phone to recount the new schedule of the social club he started. With the first meeting under their…
Audio is a little soft and mushy. I tried to boost it, but I don't think it helped much. With rationing on gasoline and tires, people are staying closer to…
Audio is a little soft and mushy. I tried to boost it, but I don't think it helped much. Now that Mousey has left, and decreased the population of Pine…
The school house is decorated, and all of Mousey's friends are there to see him off. Abner hopes Lum won't talk about himself in his speech tonight, as the gents…
Today is the day that Mousey is to take his physical to go into the military. Abner gets confused over the ducking center that Mousey will be going through on…
Out of debt and out of trouble, a rare situation for Lum and Abner they get busy restocking the shelves in the Jot Em Down store. The phone rings, and…
The article about their failed trip to Mars has been sent off to the magazine editor, and its back to business as usual in the Jot Em Down store. Abner…