Horlicks: Take a package of Horlicks on your trips as a sustaining, nourishing treat. A well balanced food that can take the place of any meal, any time. A constant…
Horlicks: Great for warding off hunger, and keeping you at top speed when you're working. Good for keeping away travel sickness. Down in Pine Ridge Lum has planned a fake…
Adventures Of Macie - Next Stop Niagra Falls. 491215. (retro319). Featuring Ann Southard as she recreates the same role you loved her in on the movie screen. Macie tells how…
Lum and Abner - The Story Of Abners Rescue Keeps Getting Bigger. 350911. Horlicks: Unsurpassed as a food for bottle fed infants who aren't able to nurse. Easily digestible, nourishing,…
Lum and Abner - Lum Decides To Admit The Whole Thing. 350910. Horlicks: Beneficial for youngsters teeth. Recommended by dentists in the care of teeth, but don't forget regular visits…
Lum and Abner - Setting ATrap For The Kidnappers. 350909. Horlicks: A valuable part of successful weight control. Every noon, just make a glass of Horlicks, the sustaining food to…
Suspense - Murder In G Flat, Jack Benny. 510405. (retro318). It's a tale well calculated to keep you in suspense. It's a Sunday night, and the cops converge on a…
Jack is at home, getting ready for the big Easter Parade. Rochester comments on the preparations as Jack finishes getting dressed. Jack is looking fit and trim, and steps on…
Horlicks : Made with only the finest products, with only the choicest wheat and barley. You get top quality in food value for your money. Now, let's see what's happening…
Horlicks: An aid to travellers that makes a light, sustaining, digestable meal. It prevents travel sicknes, and so convenient and easy to prepare. Down in Pine Ridge, Lum thinks if…