Lum and Abner – Cedric Is Rich. 420310

A vintage advertisement for the radio show "Lum and Abner." It features black and white illustrations of two characters, each with distinct facial expressions. The text encourages listeners to "Listen and Laugh" and indicates the show airs "4 DAYS—EACH WEEK." The advertisement mentions sponsorship by Alka-Seltzer and One-A-Day Vitamin Tablets. It includes the station name "WAGA" and lists the broadcast times as "8:15 EWT-P.M.-7:15 CWT."

Grandpap is in the library and tells Lum about the story of King Midas. Lum wonders if Cedric has somehow become like King Midas. He’s had a lot of money lately, ordering things from catalogs, and has been carrying large rolls of bills.

Where there’s money, Squire Skimp is sure to be close at hand. He’s looking for Cedric to ask about becoming his business manager. Did Cedric win the $10K prize from Diogenes contest? Is he concerned about squandering all his money? Maybe Lum can convince Cedric to let him manage his money more wisely, and not cheat him like Squire might.

Grandpap thinks that Cedric might be more like Aladdin and his magic lamp, rather than King Midas. Is Diogenes lantern a magical one?


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