A citizens committee is organized to clean up crime, and corruption. Margot Lane is enthusiastic at being part of it, and drags her boss, Lamonte Cranston along to the meeting.…
Here he is again, right out of the comic books with all his friends, Archie Andrews. The story begins with a common, pesky fly. The buzzing little critter is bugging…
Just as the Nazi's are waging war on the world, they are waging war on the free enterprise system. Americans want to make sales, but Germans don't want to pay…
Lum surprises Abner by talking like the now missing Diogenes. Lum tells how he has been left in full authority of the work Diogenes started in town with the pamphlets…
As Gildersleeve is tucking in Leroy for the night, and sending Marjorie off to her room, he decides to call on a lady friend on the spur of the moment.…
Watson had found himself in a mystery, and wrote a letter to describe the problem to his friend Holmes. A friend of Mrs. Watson, a proponent of woman's rights, is…
Grandpap is in the library to read from the almanac, and recollect a cast of characters who Abner suspects that he's making up. . The smooth-talking seeker of honesty, Diogenes…
Molly has something new to deal with at home, Fibber is bursting with energy and motivation. Chores around the house are falling prey to his new found pep? What's the…
Thomas Appleby was 70 when he married his 39-year-old bride. When he died from a crushed skull at age 75, neighbors had only sympathy for his wife, until she confessed…