Lum and Abner – Squires Overdue Bill. 420206

A vintage advertisement for the radio show "Lum and Abner." It features black and white illustrations of two characters, each with distinct facial expressions. The text encourages listeners to "Listen and Laugh" and indicates the show airs "4 DAYS—EACH WEEK." The advertisement mentions sponsorship by Alka-Seltzer and One-A-Day Vitamin Tablets. It includes the station name "WAGA" and lists the broadcast times as "8:15 EWT-P.M.-7:15 CWT."

Last episode we met the much talked about Diogenes Smith, and his $10k reward for the most honest man in the community. Mousey Gray talks to Lum about the contest that is to stretch over the next 3 months. How will the forced honesty affect Lum’s sales pitch when customers call?

Abner enters to share how everybody in town is on their best behavior. Even the town bully, Snake Hogan is helpful to the victims he beats up. There are 5 secret deputies who are supposed to be appointed to report to Diogenes. Who can they be? Maybe Mousey is one of them?

Lum and Abner marvel at Squire Skimp and his attempts at being honest for a change. Diogenes stops in at the Jot ‘Em Down store to admire how well his plan for an elevated level of humanity is working. Is everyone on board with his plan of kindness? What other eccentric ideas does the stranger have? As if to relive doubts of his lack of honesty, Squire enters to pay up his accounts at the store.