Lum and Abner – Hindu Miracle Man Pretends to Heal. 411030

Lum and Abner, going over the script.

Audio is good, but cuts out in a spot or two. In Pine Ridge the whole community is turning out to see the fascinating feats of the Hindu prince and miracle worker. What they don’t know is that Lum’s leg really isn’t broken, and what Lum doesn’t know is the miracle man is a fake as well.

Squire talks to his fake Fakir who is getting worried that his scam might not work. In the crowded meeting hall Lum and Abner take their place in the audience, and share their own worries at the scam they are about to be part of. Will the events go off without a hitch? Will the miracle man be all that Squire advertised? Will Lum finally be shut of his fake broken leg? The audio gets particularly bad during Squires showmanship, but settles down in time for Lum to be called forth for the big moment. Stay tuned for the dramatic ending and a mishap for our heroes.

PS: Does anybody know who is doing the voice of the Hindu Prince? It doesn’t seem to be either Chet Lauck or Tuffy Goff. Leave a comment if you know. All you need to do is be sure to register for a membership if you haven’t already done it, and log in.


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