Lum and Abner – New Methods Not Working. 411003

Lum and Abner, going over the script.

The salesmanship book hasn’t worked out so well so far, but Lum and Abner haven’t quite given up on it yet. Today, as Lum has gone to lunch, Abner and grandpap enjoy a game of checkers. When Lum catches them red handed, grandpap is told about the book to make them more modern and efficient.

Squire comes in and offer his services at slick salesmanship, and Lum is ready to jump at the offer. Instead, Abner talks him out of it, and when Squire leaves, grandpap explains how their efforts have been too overzealous. The store would do better if they went back to being themselves, and return to the casual nature of the Jot ‘Em Down Store.

PS: I think grandpap may be right, but it was funny while it lasted.