Command Performance – Dinah Shore, Helen Forest. ep119, 440513

American flags, with a diversity of citizens standing in front. Men in jeans and t-shirts.
People in front of American flag. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

A show that is clearly mislabeled, but I’m posting it anyway.

Connie Haines kicks right off to sing a song that will be in her next picture. But first, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra crash the party. After the brief adlibbing, Connie seems to have fallen for Bing, rather than Frank.

Quick side note: Frank and Connie were both vocalists for Tommy Dorcey and only recently split from the band to go their separate ways.

Back to the show: Connie sings, My GI Guy. Ken Carpenter dips into the mailbag, and gets heckled by Bob Bing, and Frank.

Next up is Lena Horne for more mailbag greetings, then she sings, Good for Nothing Joe. Ken just can’t stop the heckling from his peanut gallery as Bob Bing, and Frank joke about their sponsors.

Ken manages to introduce Shirley Ross, who dips into the mailbag. She sings a special arranged lyric, written by Johnny Mercer, tfor her hit song, Thanks for the Memories. The combined sound affects from home keep Shirley and the military types in the audience in stitches. Of course that song was already Bob Hope’s theme song at this time, and though he doesn’t join in, he gets teased about it by Bing.

No good adlib goes unpunished so our trio of party crashers pick up the comedy ball and run with it. Ken regains control of the madness to introduce Lana Layman to sing an operetic, Braam’s Lullabye.

The threefold comic relief is back and help bring out Francis Langford. Watch out guys she has an adlib of her own. Francis also dips into the mailbag before singing, I’ll Be Seeing You.

Ken tells the real reason that Hope, Crosby, and Sinatra are on hand. They are to sing a request from the mailbag, but their trio needs to be a quartet to do the song justice. Jerry Colona joins the mob to sing, If I Had My Way Dear. Punctuated by some self heckling from Bob.