Mary Lee Taylor Show – Jim’s Surprise. 481126

Various baking and cooking equipment including measuring cups, mixing bowls, and utensils.

Jim is tired of being cooped up in the apartment, but concerned over the budget, Sally wants to know why. Sally gets to know the neighbors better, while Jim is out. What is the surprise he went to get?

He has tickets for a show, and a night on the town. First, they need to secure time in the shared bathroom with the other apartment tenants. It’s Jim’s turn to meet the neighbor’s wen Nicky needs to wait for a phone call. With the phone in their apartment, Jim is hesitant to change clothes while she’s there. Will that bathroom ever become available? Too late to make their dinner, Jim and Sally host a party at their place.

Turkey chowder is made from leftover turkey from the holiday feast. Mary Lee gives tips to round out the meal with sandwiches and other fixings. Soup includes onions, turkey bones, and water. Get your pencils ready for the full list of ingredients, and cooking instructions. Remove bones, and add in rice and diced leftover turkey, and of course some Pet milk. Get all the cooking tips for cooking rice, and other tips on food economy.

Recipe for Happiness: You are today, where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow, where your thoughts will take you.