Jack Benny -The Buck Benny Movie. ep371, 400421

Jack Benny and Carmichael 1939.

Don introduces a man who was greeted by thousands of loyal fans. Jack arrives at his destination, his so tell and then to his studio audience. He brags about his luxurious accommodations. The newspaper reporter arrives to get the scoop on jack’s latest picture. Mary arrives to report on the Broadway shows that she is seen. Has Jack learned any secrets about how Fred Allen gets laughs? Dennis arrives to talk about the burlesque shows he has visited. There is one last interruption before Dennis can sing his song, last night gardenias.

Jack and Mary discuss where Phil Harris has been since he’s been in town. Dennis leaves to find a date for Jack, as Phil makes his entrance. As Phil gets ready to play, the interruptions continue. This time it’s one of Jack Benny’s biggest fans. He could just swoon. Will he get to meet Frank Parker or Don Buster? Phil’s band plays, my kind of country.

Jack remarks on the pickup players that fill has added to the band. The musicians are from Peter Van Stevenson band. Dorcas truly who plays with the Fred Allen show. Jack tries to make an announcement, that the reporter is back demanding interview. Will his remarks about Jack’s blue eyes soften him up? The reporter seems satisfied with Don’s commercial.

While he’s trying to announce their New York appearance, Rochester asks a phone call. We learn about where he’s been, and why Jack hasn’t been able to find him. In a might even bring Jack’s cowboy suit when he picks him up tomorrow morning. Phil plays another tune that leads to the closing commercial.


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