Philip Marlowe – The Green Flame. ep26, 490326

Gerald Mohr in 1951. A black and white photograph of Gerald Mohr, a man in a suit and tie, posing in front of a microphone with headphones on. He is holding a script in one hand and appears to be in the midst of speaking or recording. The background is dark and nondescript, with no discernible details.

Getting ready for a big dinner on the town, Marlowe has his plans put on hold when a business woman phones him. The powerful woman makes it worth Philip’s time, and describes her trouble. He could be playing with dynamite as the twists take him closer to danger.

When a body makes the scene, Philip doesn’t believe it was only an accident. Marlowe gets tough and pours on the pressure to uncover lies, and get to the bottom of the mystery. Does Philip ever get his night out on the town, and make his dinner plans? Only after a hard day’s work, but there’s a nice payoff for him at the end.


  1. Mary

    Hi Keith,
    This episode is not downloading (broken rss link).
    Thank you!

    • Keith

      I just uploaded a fresh file. Try downloading it again.

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