On Stage – The Dreamer. ep54, ep54, 540303

on stage: Catherine Lewis

A good drama always involves a good conflict. Today we find that Elliot is the hard-working breadwinner with a practical head on his shoulders, and Joe Kearns is his father-in-law who is something of an inventor and dreamer. Cathy plays the mediator, but she isn’t a very good one, mostly running interference to shelter her dad from the anger of Elliot at disturbing his peace. If she keeps this up, she’s only going to be worn out and wounded.

The conflict comes in when Cathy’s dad’s inventions create a lot of noise in the basement. Then his invention is successful, and the new riches create an imbalance for Elliot that he’s only happy with when the product’s sales fall off.

Is Elliot right for his complaints? Doesn’t his role as breadwinner grant him the right to be irritated at his house guest? The seemingly oblivious inventor only keeps tweaking his clockwork burglar deterrent, even taking advice from the burglar’s union… huh? Do they have one of those?

In the end, there’s a little resolution for the conflict. Will Cathy finally learn how to actually mediate between the men in her life, and arrive at a compromise? Will dear old dad be a success? Will Elliot learn to deal with his weird dad? Learn the answers and give the show a listen.