On Stage – Crusade of Stanley Finston. ep55, 540310

on stage: Catherine Lewis

Cathy and Elliot talk about the social and cultural etiquette of yelling. we find Stan Finster (Elliot) stopped in traffic, getting a ticket. At home he tells Dora (Cathy) all about his traffic ordeal, and of his plans to fight city hall. Later, at work Stan spends time on the job researching the laws, and a way he can fight back. As his crusade to stand against city hall grows, will he get any support from his friends at the office? why not just pay the $5 fine and get it over with?

The days turn into weeks, but will Stanley find his loophole? will Stanley have his revenge? will all his time studying and losing sleep be wasted?

Stanley gets his big moment in the sun, but there just might be a matter that he overlooked in his intensive study of the traffic code. will Stanley stand on his principal’s and be willing to go to jail to prove his point? I think some bail money will be called for, if Dora can scrounge up a few dollars from Stan’s poker buddies. Despite his misadventures, will Stanley be satisfied with the result of his crusade?