Adventures of Philip Marlowe – The Old Acquaintance. ep14, 481226

Gerald Mohr in 1951. A black and white photograph of Gerald Mohr, a man in a suit and tie, posing in front of a microphone with headphones on. He is holding a script in one hand and appears to be in the midst of speaking or recording. The background is dark and nondescript, with no discernible details.

It’s New Years Eve and Marlowe needs to help a man with some woman problems. Shots ring out, but the shooter gets away. Who wants the man to keep from marrying his fiancée? After phoning in the shooting to the cops, Philip gets busy investigating.

A dame with a gun claim to be an old acquaintance of the bride to be. Is Nancy Marshall’s life in danger? What ties might she have to an escaped convict? The trail leads to a tough guy, but Philip shows him that he’s just as tough. As Philip gets closer, the danger kicks up, and murder enters the picture.

Will there be wedding bells anytime soon? Listen in for the exciting and suspenseful conclusion as Philip digs for the answers to unravel this mystery.