Jack Benny – Gladys Zybisco Disappoints Jack On New Year’s. ep355, 391231

Jack Benny and Carmichael 1939.

Welcoming in the new year, Don and Jack joke about getting older. Calendars, issued by local businesses are a longstanding milestone of the season, and Jack talks about some notable ones for him this year. Phil Harris and Mary Livingstone join the jokes about calendars. The cast talk about their Christmas gifts from last week. After a quick interruption at the door, Dennis Day sings, All the Things You Are.

What plans do the cast have to ring in the new year? Jack tells about his hot date with Gladys, and having to leave early. Who is Gladys? Some starlet? Jack isn’t saying. Before he steps out, he announces the play to be performed next week. Andy Divine pops in to talk about taking his folks to the Wiltshire Bowl. Just as Jack is to step out, Gladys phones to cancel her date. Can the cast cheer him up, by inviting him out with them?

Phil plays a jumping dance tune, then we find the dejected Jack on the street, making his way through the well-wishers of the new year. In Ginsberg’s coffee shop, Jack drowns his sorrows, and we learn that Gladys is the waitress. Will the two make up? Will Jack take up any of his many offers to share in a night on the town? Rochester is surprised to see his boss come home to brood all alone. All that’s left is to let the world go on without him, as Jack stays home.

Notable Quote: “What this world needs is a few less people who are making a few less people.” Rochester.