Family Theater – Work of a Lifetime. ep6, 470318

Family Theater CD Front

hosted by Edward G Robinson
Billy Williams and Pat O’Brien.
On a winter’s day in the office of the Warden, he speaks with the chaplain. After his long service at the institution, father Darcy is telling the prisoner’s farewell. Though his casual banter reproaches being a little rough, it’s clear he has a soft spot for the inmates.

Settling into his new church in Pearl Valley, the father meets some of his new parishioners. He is surprised to find a former inmate who is making good and his congregation. The things that are considered a stressful life amongst their parishioners is far different from the stresses that the priests and his friend Leavenworth are familiar with. Things are about to change when news of the prison break arrives.

The old priest figures out where the escaped convict may be hiding out, and under the guise of playing golf sets out to find the runaway. Can a priest talk since into Benny before the cops find him? Is Father Darcy actually going to help him escape?

Father Darcy soft and persuasive words overpower the pistol in the hands of the hardened criminal. Now that the convincing has been done for Benny, how will the priest be able to smooth things over with the Warden? Can he make it just as if the convict never left?