The Whistler – The Broken Chain (East Coast Broadcast). 460821

"Vintage radio with a wooden exterior and large speaker grille sits on a table. Its black dials and knobs are visible, and the illuminated green signal indicates that it is powered on."

Arnold is a respectable businessman, but there’s something that has been bothering him. He has been brewing a plan to murder his wife, Evelyn. The worst you might say for Evelyn is that she’s quite chatty, then wonders why Arnold has hardly said a word. She also seems more content in their predictable, mundane lifestyle than he is.
Instead of leaving her, or plotting an elaborate perfect crime, a simple household accident is going to be staged. Arnold manages to set up the chain of events that will lead to Evelyn’s demise, and she seems to be falling in line, snapping up his trail of bread crumbs.

The deed is done, and the staged accidental fall in the bathtub is complete. All that remains is to conduct the morning in his usual routine and let events run their course. Which nosey neighbor will pop in to discover the body? Arnold tries to keep his cool and concentrate on his job while he waits. What was that unexpected message from his wife all about? Is she actually alive and playing bridge with a neighbor?

Who is that mysterious man who left a message that he’ll meet Arnold at home? The Whistler knows. Join in for the twist ending that clinches the fate of Arnold’s future. Is Evelyn dead, or isn’t she? Will Arnold’s guilt be found out, or won’t it?

Note: Elliot Lewis is Arnold. Bea Benederet is Evelyn.