Lum and Abner – Lum’s Elopement (Retro Extra) 481212

Image of the Jot'em Down Store from the radio program "Lum and Abner", featuring a storefront with various items on display in the window and a group of people gathered outside. Visit the real store:
Visit the real Jot 'Em Dowmn Store:

Today’s show notes are from the Jot ‘Em Down Journal of December 1998.

Lum’s infatuation with ”Miss Rowena” progresses to the point that he is unable to write up a simple grocery list without including her name: ”Miss Rowena, three cans o’ hominy,” Abner reads, ”Miss Rowena, one solidpacked Rowena, one pickled Rowena…” Lum is thinking of matrimony, and coincidentally, so is Cedric, who approaches Abner for assistance in writing a note to Clarabelle. We hear some material from the quarter-hour series reprised, as Cedric explains his ”new” arrangement with rival Gomer Bates – one week, Gomer dates Clarabelle, the next week, they allow Cedric to tag along! Now, Cedric wishes to elope with his dream girl! The crudely Abner-scrawled note (with nicknames ”’Turtledove- for her and “Goofus- for him) is soon read by Rowena, who decides she must help the lad rewrite it. She leaves, the new and improved elopement note (replete with the aforementioned nicknames!) with Abner. Additionally, Rowena leaves a verbal message for Lum, instructing him to bring a ladder totThe Seestrunks’ home! (She wants him to install a lock and burglar alarm on her upstairs window, due to the activities of prowlers.) Naturally, the note and message become confused, and Lum now believes Miss Rowena (”Goofus”) wants to elope with him (”Turtledove”)!
PLOP! Lum faints! ”Git up off the floor,” Abner admonishes, ”you got to elope in that suit!
Miss Rowena invites Lum to bring his ladder to her window ”tonight,” and Romeo Edwards is on his way! Lum is left hanging (literally!) as his ladder falls, and Abner sneaks into the house to try to help pull him in, only to be stopped by Ezra, on guard for prowlers, Both Ben Withers and Rowena spot LUM, who is still hanging onto the window sill but not for long! Rowena pounds him with a lamp until he drops! When she learns it was Lum, wishing to elope, she and the cast rush to assist him. After he comes to, Rowena admits she is perfectly willing to elope, but Lum decides marriage is too dangerous!
Before the program closes, Lum and Abner make a plea to the public to support public education. ”Recollect,- Lum emphasizes, ”our teachers mold our nation’s future!” Niles, apparently ill, quips during his closing, ”Good night, for Frigidaire, with a very bad cold – America’s number one refrigerator!” (The juxtaposition of ”very bad cold” and ”Frigidaire” could easily have been misunderstood by the sponsor it caught me off guard!)