Gunsmoke – Johnny Red, Virginia Gregg. ep174, 550813

"Cowboys and Gunslinger Photographs" - A black and white photograph featuring a collection of antique firearms and cowboy memorabilia. The items are arranged on a wooden table, and include revolvers, pistols, rifles, bullets, and other cowboy accessories. The image evokes the rugged and lawless nature of the American West during the late 19th century, when duels and shootouts were common. The artifacts serve as a window into the past, providing a glimpse into the lives and culture of cowboys and gunslingers from this era.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Matt pops in and pulls Kitty aside from her busy night in the Long Branch Saloon. The quiet spell doesn’t last long since she is called back to the saloon, and matt has to deal with a man who drifted in. Billy ran away from home 7 years earlier and says he’s returning home, but something is wrong in this picture. Matt explains to Kitty that the reall Billy was killed in the war.

Chester and Matt look through old circulars to see they can find where Matt saw the new Billy before. Sure enough he’s a known criminal with a long record named Johnny Red. What does he hope to do here at Dodge? That’s what Matt rides out to learn. Widow Creole is in high spirits as she welcomes Mat in, but the failing eyesight, and hopes of the old mom has her convinced her Billy has come home. Matt doesn’t haved the heart to tell her, but he isn’t too afraid to confront Johnny.

Weeks go by and whether Billy is for real or not, Mrs Creole is showing signs of much improved health. Chester rushes in to report a stage coach robbery that has the town buzzing. Is Billy involved? It’s not looking good.

What will Matt find out on the Ctreole homestead? Tragedy, but before he leaves, justice is dealt in a hard way.The truth about Johny comes out.