Space Patrol – Hole In Empty Space. ep4, 521025

Booster rockets at the bottom of an Apollo, Saturn style rocket.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

An invisible force that destroys all matter may be the end of Commander Corry, but stay tuned to see how it all came to be. After a meteor is observed to just mysteriously disappear, and rockets are fired with no evidence of impact, the mysterious empty hole is determined to be heading toward civilized outposts.

Commander Correy and Cadet Happy zoom out to the scene, but how will they find the empty hole? How will they recognize it when they encounter it? A scientist identifies this hole as a cycloplex. Can he help to destroy it, or does he just want to study it? Will he at least help Correy and Happy deflect it to protect peaceful citezens?

Happy has a close call as his space cruiser gets a little too close to the vortex. Is the hole large enough, or strong enough to destroy a planet? Commander Correy puts his scientific knoledge to work to try to short circuit the invisible dynamo of destruction. Will their plan work to choke it down, or will the vortex simply absorb their device?

PS: Did scientists know about black holes in 1952? The description of it matches it pretty close. All except the name they give it, a cycloplex.